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When to Get the Advisor Team Involved

When to Get the Advisor Team Involved

As a reminder, the EPIC™ Process includes five meetings or stages:

  1. Data Collection
  2. Strategy and Design
  3. Preliminary Plan Presentation to the Business Owner
  4. Final Plan Presentation to Constituents
  5. Implementation

The Data Collection meeting and the Strategy and Design phase are typically one-on-one processes between you and your client, although other Advisor Team members or outside professionals may be involved to the extent that you need a business valuation, cash flow projection or financial needs analysis.

Once you’ve entered all of the relevant information from the Data Collection meeting (using the EPIC™ Fact Finders), you are ready to bring in the other Advisor Team members for purposes of plan design and problem-solving. You will have identified Recommendations that may be appropriate and can share your information with the Advisor Team in a single organized and concise format that they will use to provide input to the process — this is the Business Owner Road Map.

The EPIC™ Road Map acts as a centralized location for all facts, objectives, and Recommendations.

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